knowledge fractal
Thomas R. Glück: Disinformation and Knowledge Quality Management
The intelligence or the success of an organisation [1] depends on its aptitude for purposeful change.
Obstacles to the improvement [2] of an organisation can result from reluctance or inability. While inability can easily be remedied by means of increased knowledge, [3] unwillingness is more difficult to handle [4] and can even influence the simplest forms of the transfer of knowledge. Thus the decision-maker often has difficulty in estimating whether he (or she) is confronted with relevant or useless information: if one doesn't know something, one doesn't even know what one doesn't know.
On the other hand, Arrow's Paradox is usually effective for the provider of information when he tries to judge the value of that information (which greatly depends on the context). Therefore this knowledge has to be transferred. Since the transfer is possibly free for the recipient, the readiness for it will be diminished accordingly.
This basic problem doesn't lose its effect by simply being ignored. Closing one's eyes to these difficulties leads, at worst, to trivialisation [5] or the establishment of new lip services [6] accompanied by further loss of effectivity (this only increases the complexity of the organisation, but not its competence in solving problems).
However, obstacles to improvements need not necessarily be (micro)-politically motivated, but are often caused by qualitative disinformation. [7] This phenomenon is not restricted to specific contexts, but can occur in all areas.
The fractal management approach developed here is the basis for an efficient solution to the problem. Fractal Analysis will overcome the tension between self-reference [8] and Kirsch's haircutter [9] and can be applied as scale-invariant, generic best practice.
The fractal-based view is an efficient starting-point for qualitative corporate & organisational governance; the integrative approach comprises the areas of staff, organisation and strategy. [10]